
The achievements of the North Devon Cycling Forum are modest so far and mostly Barnstaple focused, but it shows though that campaigning on a local level can generate some satisfying results:

- In 2016, a new signing system was implemented for the cycle route between Barnstaple town centre, Newport and Whiddon Valley and for the cycle route from Newport via Rock Park and Iron Bridge to the Railway Station. Particularly on the Railway Station-Newport route, people were regularly getting lost. Long-term, the new signs have the potential to attract more users. This signing project, carried out by DCC in partnership with Sustrans, is the most clear outcome of the 2015 consultation, in which the forum was heavily involved.  

- Until 2016, it was impossible to cycle or walk easily between the western and eastern shops of the Roundswell trading estate in Barnstaple, as a short link between the toucan crossing across the A3125 and the western car park was missing. This link is now created, making it possible to move easily by foot or bike from one end of the trading estate to the other. The link also removes the need to drive from one car park to the other when visiting multiple shops.  

- In September 2015, the forum helped organising the Cycle Sunday event in Rock Park in Barnstaple. Especially Dawn Connor worked very hard to make this event happen and you see her pictured here with some of the local community groups and organisations that made the effort to form the Art Cycle Trail. We estimate that the event was visited by 1500-1800 people, with a good vibe going.  

- Boutport Street in Barnstaple town centre, has various one-way systems in place to prevent through traffic using this road. The road used to have various one-way signs, only stating exceptions to the one-way flow for buses and taxis, but not mentioning pedal cycles. These signs have been replaced in 2014 by clear blue round signs, confirming the cyclist's right of way in both directions on this roadAlso, on the corner of Butchers Row, a sign stating "left turn for taxis only" has been replaced by the more accurate sign "left turn for buses, taxis and cycles only". These signage issues are highlighted in our Barnstaple Case Study and have been picked up by Barnstaple Town Council.

- The Newport Cycle Way ramp in Barnstaple between Newport School (Landkey Road) and the main "Coney Cut" cycle path in Barnstaple was a narrow, neglected path with poor surface. In 2014, this path was resurfaced and doubled in width. Many thanks to Devon County Council Road Safety Officer Mr. Newcombe to get this project approved!